Holidaying in Cambodia: Ultimate Budget Travel Tips

Holidaying in Cambodia: Ultimate Budget Travel Tips

When most people think about Cambodia, a dark history and past often seem to be a stigma. However, once you start researching holidaying in Cambodia, you will quickly realize that the country is so much more than that.

Even though Cambodia has a difficult past, it’s hard to believe how friendly and welcoming the people are. You will be welcomed with open arms by people who are happy to share their culture and ways of life with you.

In Cambodia, you can experience a captivating blend of ancient wonders, vibrant cities, and beautiful island paradises.

One reason it's becoming a popular travel destination is how affordable it can be if done right. This Cambodia Travel guide will tell you what to do and give you tips on budget-friendly accommodation, transportation, and food costs.

You will also get some Cambodia travel tips to maximize the budget for your stay here without compromising the quality of your trip.

Cambodia travel guide

What to Do in Cambodia

Cambodia has a rich history, stunning landscapes, and a vibrant culture. The good news is that when a country has all these amazing features, you don't have to pay as much for holiday entertainment. Here are some recommendations of what to do in Cambodia even if you're on a budget:

Explore the Temples of Angkor

  • Angkor Wat: The 8th Wonder of the World and the world's largest religious monument. Need any more explanation than that? This is a must-do when in Cambodia.
  • Bayon Temple: In the center of Angor Thom are the smiling stone faces—a very mystical experience.
  • Ta Phrom: This temple has been reclaimed by nature. If you want to feel like the tomb raider, head on down here.
Kaylin exploring the Temples of Angkor

Visit Cambodia's Capital, Phnom Penh

  • Central market: A market where you can spend hours looking at and purchasing everything from souvenirs to local delicacies.
  • Royal Palace and Silver Pagoda: This incredible Royal Palace Complex houses the King of Cambodia. You can also experience the silver pagoda.
  • Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum: The dark past you might have read about. You can visit the former high school that was turned into a prison during the Khmer Rouge regime.

Relax on the Southen Beaches

  • Sihanoukville: You might get tired of looking at temples and ancient ruins at some point. Go further south and enjoy the white sandy beaches and clear blue waters.
  • Koh Rong: You can't go wrong at Koh Rong. Enjoy all this beautiful island has to offer and experience some bioluminescent plankton and diving spots.
relax on the Southen Beaches

Enjoy the Charm of Cambodian Towns

  • Siem Reap: Want something more exciting and lively? Visit Siem Reap, where you can enjoy bustling markets, thriving nightlife, and beautiful cafes.
  • Battambang: Go to Battambang to experience a more rural Cambodian life. You can also see the unique, famous bamboo train there.

Adventure and Nature

  • Tonle Sap Lake: View floating villages on Southeast Asia’s largest freshwater lake.
  • Cardamom Mountains: See rare wildlife in the most beautiful landscapes by trekking in the Cardamom Mountains.

Cambodian Culture

  • Take a cooking class: Go back home with new traditional Cambodian dishes.
  • Attend a traditional Dance: Learn about ancient myths and legends through the Aspra dancing.
Cambodian culture

Cambodia’s mixture of natural beauty, culture, and history makes it an entertaining country to visit if you're traveling on a budget. Cambodia has everything whether you prefer laid-back beach days or visiting ancient ruins.

Accommodation Costs in Cambodia

With the growth of Cambodia in recent years, so has the demand for accommodation. The country has adjusted accordingly, and there are many different types of accommodation to suit all budgets. Here are some accommodation costs that you can use when budgeting your Cambodia holiday:

Cost of Hostels in Cambodia

Traveling on a budget often means staying in hostels, and that's fine. The hostels in Cambodia are well-built and comfortable.

You can expect to pay anywhere from $3 to $10 per night for a dorm bed. At this price, you will get amenities like a locker, shared bathroom facilities, and a bed, obviously.

A great example of a hostel for you to get an idea of what to expect is the Mad Monkey Hostel.

cost of hostels in Cambodia

Cost of Guesthouses in Cambodia

Guesthouses are more private and have more amenities than hostels. However, you might have to fork out more on your budget. Depending on how comfortable you want to be, you will be looking at paying anywhere between $10 and $30.

An example would be People by the Community in Siem Reap. The rooms here are around $20 for a double room.

cost of guesthouses in Cambodia

Cost of Hotels in Cambodia

Hotels in Cambodia cater to a wide range of budgets. Let's break down hotel costs into Budget, Mid-range, and Luxury: An example of a luxury stay would be Plantation Urban Resort and Spa.

Budget Hotels Mid-Range

Luxury Hotel

$20  $30-$80 $100 +


Keep in mind that accommodation costs vary depending on the location, season, and demand. For the best possible rates, you are always advised to book far in advance. If you're on a budget, opt for hostels and guest houses and save money for more activities.

cost of Hotels in Cambodia

Costs for Food in Cambodia

Holidaying in Cambodia means that you are going to eat according to your heart's desire. The local cuisine is delightful and cheap, and some top-rated Western restaurants will offer slightly higher prices. You have the options, though, so here's a breakdown of local cuisine and Western food.

Prices for Street Food and Local Cusine

Asian food, in general, is fantastic, and the same goes for Cambodia. The street food and local cuisine offer an incredibly affordable and delightful experience, which is a great way to save on your budget. Here are some examples of local dishes and how much they cost:

Dish Price 
Bai Sach Chrouk (Pork and Rice) $ 1-2
Amok Trey (Fish in coconut broth) $ 3-12
Lap Khmer (Beef Salad) $ 3-16
Nom Banh Chok (Fish curry) $1-3
Khor Ko (Beef Stew) $3-10
Lok Lak (stir-fried beef with Brown Sauce) $3-11
Chaa Kdam Meric Kchai (Fried Crab with Green Pepper) $8-20
 Kuy Teav (Noodle Soup) $1-4


prices for Cambodian street food and local cuisine


Cost of Dining at Western-Style Restaurants

Noddles and rice for breakfast, lunch, and dinner can be slightly overwhelming for people who aren't used to it. But don't worry; you can take a break and enjoy Cambodia's thriving restaurant scene. It might cost you more, but there are many budget options, too:

  • Budget Restaurant: You can find options ranging from $2 to $10 per dish. However, the setting and vibe of the restaurants may not be up to your Western standard.
  • Mid-Range Restaurants: For slightly more upscale restaurants you will pay about $9 to $20 per dish. You can expect these types of restaurants to offer more luxury and a wider range of cuisines.
  • High-End Restaurants: If you want fine dining, premium ingredients, and exceptional services, you will pay about $15-30 per dish.
cost of dining at western-style restaurants

When dining at restaurants in Cambodia, remember that some restaurants may not include taxes and service fees, which could add an extra 10-20% to your bill.

Cost of Transportation when Holidaying in Cambodia

There are many different affordable transport options in Cambodia. Exploring this fantastic country is easy, comfortable, and cheap. You can use trains, buses, shuttle buses, boats, and taxis. Here is a cost breakdown of each of the transportation modes:

Train Travel Options and Costs

The Cambodia railway network is not only scenic but also very affordable. This is what you can expect from Cambodia trains:

The only passenger train route that is currently operational is between Phnom Penh and Sihanoukville. There are stops in Takeo and Kampot. The fare between the two cities is about $10.

The trains themselves are the former Thai diesel railcars that do have windows and fans. It’s not the most comfortable way to travel, but it gets the job done for budget-friendly travelers.

Bus Travel Options and Costs

Buses are the more popular option when traveling between cities in Cambodia. You can take overnight buses that you can sleep on to save time and money during your travels.

There are many different bus companies to choose from. Some of the most popular and trustworthy are Giant Ibis Transport, Mekong Express, Virak Buntham, and Seila Angkor Express.

These buses are generally well-equipped with functioning air conditioners, power sockets, wifi, and complimentary snacks.

For more extended travels like Phnom Penh to Siem Reap or Sihanoukville, you can expect to pay around $10.

Boat Travel Options and Costs for Island Visits

Going down south, the types of transportation methods need to change. Yes, you will be using boats to get around from island to island.

Ferry services to famous islands such as Koh Rong to Sihanoukville will cost about $12 for a one-way journey.

Private boat tours and charters are available. However, this is way more expensive than hopping on a ferry.

Taxis and Tuk-Tuks for short distance

When you are settled in your destination and want to explore the city, you can use options like taxis or the more fun way of traveling tuk-tuks.

If you want air conditioning and less pollution, take a taxi. It should cost you about $1 per Kilometer.

Feel as if you are part of the streets and traffic by taking tuk-tuks. They are slightly cheaper than hopping into a taxi but it is an experience of its own.

taxis and Tuk-Tuks for short distance

Detailed Breakdown of Costs in Different Cities

When planning your trip, you can use this detailed cost breakdown as a marker of what you can expect to spend. However, this might change depending on your preferences and time there:

Phnom Penh

  • Accommodation: $7 - $40 per night (budget hostels to mid-range hotels)
  • Food: $9 - $20 per day (street food to mid-range restaurants)
  • Transport: $5 - $10 (tuk-tuks, taxis, and public transportation)
  • Activities: $5 - $20 (museum visits, city tours, and cultural experiences)


  • Accommodation: $10 - $60 per night (budget hostels to beachfront resorts)
  • Food: $5 - 20 per day (local food and upscale restaurants)
  • Transport: $5 - $15 (tuk-tuks, taxis, and boats)
  • Activities: $10 - $30 (Beach activities, water sports)

Koh Rong and Koh Rong Samloem

  • Accommodation: $20 - $100 per night (guest houses to luxury resorts)
  • Food: $10 - 30 per day (local seafood and beach eateries)
  • Transport: $12 - $25 (boats and ferries)
  • Activities: $10 - $30 (Beach activities, water sports)


  • Accommodation: $5 - $20 per night (budget guesthouses and midrange hotels)
  • Food: $3 - 10 per day (street food and local restaurants)
  • Transport: $3 - $8 (Tuk-Tuks and local transport)
  • Activities: $5 - $20 (temple visits and countryside tours)

Siem Reap

  • Accommodation: $10- $100 per night (budget hostels and luxury hotels)
  • Food: $5 - $20 per day (street food and local restaurants)
  • Transport: $5 - $15 (Tuk-Tuks and local transport)
  • Activities: $20 - $100 (Angkor Wat and temple tours and cultural shows)
Kaylin enjoying Cambodian beaches0

Cambodia Money-Saving Tips

When holidaying in Cambodia there are many different ways you can save money. Using these tips will get you the most out of your budget and can even leave some room to enjoy a luxury hotel or some extra money to buy yourself some gifts.

Stay In Budget Friendly Accommodation

The first tip would be to stay in hostels, for some, this might seem like a daunting task but hostels have become more private and convenient in recent years. If you are feeling brave, it is also possible to get free accommodation through websites like CouchSurfing or Housesitting.

Another option would be to find WorkAway Programs. You will get free accommodation in exchange for a few hours of work on a homestay, a farm, or a hostel.

Carry a Reusable Water Bottle

The third tip would be to carry a Water Purifier Bottle or a good-quality water bottle. Cambodia’s tap water is not safe to drink and it can become costly to buy water bottles every day. Most accommodations and restaurants will let you fill up your bottle with purified water for free.

Don’t book tours in Advance

It can be tempting to book your tours way in advance; however, if you wait until you are there, you can book locally and find much cheaper prices.

Limit Alcohol Consumption

The fourth tip is to limit alcohol consumption. If this is a no-no, you can drink at local places and avoid cocktails. Cocktails can be very expensive and will add up.

Use an eSim for Internet Connectivity

Staying connected while traveling is an essential aspect to consider. Having access to Google Maps, Tripadvisor, and transport schedules is super helpful and makes your trip more straightforward to navigate. Without these options, you are very likely to get lost, not find your hotel, or miss your scheduled transport.

Nowadays, staying connected has been simplified by a new technology called eSim. Companies like eSimsurf have made this process super easy, and activating your eSim to have internet as soon as you arrive is impressive! Once you purchase your package, you will be sent an activation email with an easy-to-follow process to activate your eSim. Not only is it easy to activate, but you don't need to pay roaming charges, and you get unlimited data! This is a great way to save money on data throughout your trip and stay connected with loved ones, too.

use an eSim for Internet connectivity

Booking Resources

Traveling on a budget probably means you won't have a travel agent to book everything for you, so you might have to do that yourself. Having the best booking resources at your fingertips will help you to get the best deals. Here are some recommended platforms to use concerning accommodation, transport, and activities:

Accommodation Transport Activities
Agoda PassApp GetYourGuide Grab Klook
Hostelworld OkToGo
Airbnb  GrabCycle


beautiful island life


Holidaying in Cambodia can be very budget-friendly, but this doesn’t reflect the amazing time you will have here. By using the tips and resources we provide, you can experience Cambodia's ancient wonders, vibrant cities, and beautiful island life without breaking the bank.

Embrace the warmth of Cambodian people, experience their rich cultural heritage, and create ever-lasting memories as you journey through this Southeast Asian Gem.

You don’t need to spend a lot of money to enjoy traveling and we hope this blog proves that for you.

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